Month: November 2012

Bankside’s forgotten palace

Next to a Pret A Manager store in amongst Borough’s maze of narrow streets there’s an important preserved historical site that helps us remember the time when a major part of Southwark was ruled by a single powerful landowner, the Bishop of Winchester. Most of the Winchester Palace […]

Bankside re-emerges in the pub

If you want to understand why the hustle and bustle returned to Bankside after it was abandoned whenRoman Britain fizzled out then Borough High Street is as good as any place to start. Here a thorough-fare on the main road from the Kent coast to London was becoming […]

Profitable side to charming St James’s

Spending an afternoon exploring St James’s provides the senses with a touch of nostalgia. The exclusive shops, nestled amongst grand houses and gentlemen’s clubs, remind us of the time before British high streets became clones of one another, lined with endless Tesco Express and Starbucks outlets. But St […]

Dead bodies for medical research

Despite recent technological advances in computer simulation and enhanced scanning of internal human organs, medical professionals say today there is still no proper substitute to giving trainee surgeons hands on-access to dead bodies to practice on before they move on to living patients. But here lies a problem – […]